ArchivesCarbon Accounting Specialist

Certified Carbon Accounting Specialist – CCAS Training Program

Certified Carbon Accounting Specialist – CCAS Training Program


Certified Carbon Accounting Specialists apply their specialised knowledge to assist companies and organisations to reduce their carbon footprint and become as “carbon neutral” as possible. They understand the principles of the Paris climate agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, and other guidelines published by WRI, ISO, and WBCSD. For firms engaged in this area, CCASs can interpret current trends and legal requirements; conduct carbon audits and emission inventories; identify reduction opportunities; set up a GHG emissions management program; report carbon emissions in compliance with international standards; and complete the emissions verification process. They are also able to structure financing and marketing to maximise project success.


Global Carbon Markets – Emissions Trading

Global Carbon Markets – Emissions Trading  Training

This training course will cover the basics of global carbon markets and emissions trading. After completing this course, you will understand the economic theory and practical application of cap-and-trade systems for greenhouse gases (GHG Fundamentals) and why they are used to mitigate climate change.

Emissions trading schemes, or “carbon markets,” are market-based tools meant to limit greenhouse gas emissions. They set a limit on how much a country or company can emit, and if they exceed that limit, they can buy permits from others.

Krishnaji Pawar, the CEO and founder of Beyond Smart Cities, is in charge of creating the Global Carbon Markets: Emissions Trading training course.

Specialises in developing sustainable design strategies for Green Building Certification Systems (LEED, GSAS, ACP, ISO 14001:2015, etc.), Energy Management, Energy Efficiency, Energy Audit, Building Commissioning, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Environmental Management Systems.

The carbon markets are trading systems in which carbon credits are sold and bought. One tradable carbon credit equals one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas reduced, sequestered, or avoided.

According to research presented on Tuesday by Refinitiv, the value of traded worldwide markets for carbon dioxide (CO2) permits hit a record 850 billion euros ($909 billion) last year.

Although approximately 12.5 billion tonnes of carbon permits were traded on the global emissions markets in 2018, which is 20% less than the previous year, the value of the markets increased by 14% due to the significantly higher prices for permits.

Trading programmes for emissions are market-based strategies that are intended to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. They set a limit on how much a country or company is allowed to emit, and if they go over that limit, they have to acquire permits from other nations or firms.

Addressing these concerns will help carbon markets succeed. Real emission reductions and removals must match the country’s NDC. The carbon market’s institutional and financial architecture must be transparent. Social and environmental safeguards are needed to mitigate project impacts and promote favourable ones.

Learning  Objectives 

  • The Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • Greenhouse gas systems with “cap and trade”
  • Principles of Offsetting and the Basics of CDM/JI
  • Part II of CDM and JI: The Project Cycle and Credit Markets
  • The Emissions Trading Scheme of the European Union
  • What affects prices and how the market works
  • Towards a Global Trading Architecture for Emissions
  • The Greenhouse Gas Initiative for the Region
  • The Federal Cap-and-Trade Program in the US

Who is this course for?

This course is for environmental professionals, GHG accounting specialists, sustainability managers, green building professionals, EHS and environmental consultants, and auditors who want to learn more about GHG accounting basics and carbon trading and how to find and use them.

Anyone with an interest in carbon management, in particular GHG inventory managers, corporate environmental and sustainability managers, investors, and auditors For example, a client says he wants his company to be “carbon neutral,” and you are asked to help them understand their carbon footprint.

This course will give you the knowledge you need to evaluate this company’s GHG emissions in a smart way.

Key Takeaways 

  • The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol
  • Learn Cap-and-Trade Systems for Greenhouse Gases
  • Understanding Offsetting Principles and CDM/JI Basics
  • Learn CDM and JI, Part II: Project Cycle and Credit Markets
  • Understanding the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Learn more about price drivers and market dynamics.
  • Discover the Path to a Global Emissions Trading Architecture and Beyond
  • Stand out from your competitors and exhibit your GHG accounting skills to attract better job opportunities.\

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